

Write your custom fetcher for LiterateInk libraries

We provide a default fetcher exported as defaultFetcher that uses fetch under the hood.

Custom fetcher example with Tauri HTTP

You need to create a custom fetcher to make it work with the Tauri HTTP API.

Here's a simple one that should always work:

import type { Fetcher } from "";
import { Body, ResponseType, getClient } from "@tauri-apps/api/http";
const tauriFetcher: Fetcher = async (req) => {
  const client = await getClient(req.redirect === "manual" ? {
    maxRedirections: 0
  } : void 0);
  const res = await client.request<string>({
    url: req.url,
    method: req.method,
    headers: req.headers,
    body: req.method !== "GET" && req.content ? Body.text(req.content) : void 0,
    responseType: ResponseType.Text
  return {
    status: res.status,
    headers: res.headers,
export default tauriFetcher;

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