

Get a list of available feeds.

What is a feed?

A feed is a specific Crous. There's multiple Crous in France, each one has its own feed. To access a feed you need to know its identifier, which is unique.

You can access them using feeds() which returns a list of all available feeds.

Listing feeds

Let's say we want to list all available feeds by showing their name and identifier.

import * as crous from "crowous";
const feeds = await crous.feeds();
for (const feed of feeds) {
  console.log(`${} (${feed.identifier})`);
AIX-MARSEILLE (aix.marseille)
AMIENS (amiens)
ANTILLES-GUYANES (antilles.guyane)

What's next?

You'll receive an identifier that can be used with restaurants(), for example, to retrieve the list of restaurants available for a given Crous.

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